Fun and frolics in Oz

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Reminiscing on Dr Jean's visit - A day-trip to the Blue Mountains

What fond memories I have of Jean's visit to Sydney and the many gay old times we enjoyed together. On a beautiful sunny day, my good friend Merrelyn was kind enough to take us on a trip to see the Jenolan caves and The Three Sisters out in the Blue Mountains.

The day started with a tour of one of the Jenolan Caves known as the Temple of Baal - these caves were recently found to be over 340 million years old so are the oldest open caves in the world - they are spectacular, with many beautiful features and lots of phallic imagery!

Then it was time to stop for our little picnic of the Suzy-homemaker sambos that I had made for us - even the parrots were trying to get a nibble.

After a good feed we drove out to see the Three Sisters, in all their glory, and took the steepest railway train in the world down the side of the mountain. Luckily we didnt have to climb back up as there was a cablecar conveniently located to haul us back to the summit.

What a wonderfully civilised day ... until Jean managed to lower the tone by molesting some of the local folk.

Dr Muffster finds it impossible to resist fondling this poor unforunate's manhood.


Blogger pip said...

I hope they sanitised that sculpture after Jean's visit.

1:55 PM

Blogger Clodagh said...

Sanitisation of my back is part of my daily ablutions - but I did give it an extra scrub anyway - just to be sure to be sure!!

1:47 PM


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