Fun and frolics in Oz

Friday, August 25, 2006

Rasta-Muff rides the Wild-Mouse

Luring us into a false sense of playful fun was the rollar-coaster ride at Luna Park called Wild-Mouse. From ground-level this looks like a fairly tame ride (at least compared to what we are used to) but boy were we mistaken - lets just say I have heard Jean scream but this took screaming to another level. There were pale faces and soiled knickers all-round for us four ladies.

Rast-muff and Teresa breathe a sigh of relieve as they disembark from the Wild-Mouse

Thursday, August 24, 2006

From chemistry-geek to internet-freak

is it possible that i can descend any deeper into the abyss of nerdiness?

Finally into the land of nerds I venture.... it was only a matter of time before I would succumb to the pressure to create a Blog of my fun and frolics in Sydney.

The recent visit of Dr Jean "Muffster" Lee (AKA the doctor of love and all things filthy)* juiced me up with the necessary gusto to document our explorations in Sydney and its surrounds.

Although it pains me to admit it, my life did not have meaning until I was graced with her visit and my dull and meagre existence was to suddenly and dramatically change as Jean bounced full of sexual-gusto into my life (and my bed).

* p.s. I dont mean to say that love is filthy just that Jean is a specialist in the areas of both love and of filth