Fun and frolics in Oz

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sydney to Wollongong - 90km bike ride

Call me crazy but on Sunday the 5th of November I am doing a 90km bike ride - Sydney to Wollongong

This is no ordinary bike ride - there are major mountains to negotiate on this course as the map of the elevation below illustrates - and they tell us its "one of the most scenic sporting events this country has to offer".

So the starting venue is Sydney Park in St Peters - almost right outside my front door - thats the easy part getting to the start line. The difficult bit of getting to the finish line - in Wollongong, 90kms away.

The map on the left shows the route we will be taking - cycling south via Brighton Le Sands, the Royal National Park and the spectacular new Sea Cliff Bridge. I quote from the website "When you feel that sea breeze on your face you’ll know it’s been worth the wait" - I'm not so sure that it will be as enjoyable as they make out but we'll see.

Oh and a special thanks to Ollie O'Flanagan for his very helpful tip - he recommends steaks down the jocks to ward off saddle chaff

My team mate Hayley Golden is gonna be my companion on this journey and she will be doing it on her beautiful bike called Belle. - click here for a pic!

For any of you kind generous people out there that would like to sponsor us you can do so by clicking here. Thanks a million to those who have so munificently donated so far - it is very much appreciated.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Oscillate Wildy

I absolutely couldn't wait to share this with you.

Check out this amazing website called Oscillate Wildly.

This has some quality photos on it exemplified by the one below. There are many more though so I urge you to check it out yourself when you have some spare time on your hands!

In comparison, another website we have come across is Sexy Scientists - I suggest you take a glance at this - you won't need much time as we all are well aware chemistry is not exactly the domain of the hottie - but we agree here in the office that Regan Jones certainly has potential and may be the exception that proves the rule!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Jen! - Fond Memories of Melbourne and AFL Hotties!!

This post is dedicated to Jen on the occasion of her 29th Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Sexy Lady!!

Jean's sultry and seductive expression in this photo is reminiscent of the general atmosphere of the weekend we spent in Melbourne - there were hotties, horniness and lots of loving going on. Yan looks a little bit worried - I wouldn't blame him to be honest - the only man looking after three seriously sexy and horny ladies.

Jean and Jen are smiling so hard their faces hurt - not the only body part to be a little sore after the weekend of debauchery - but more on that later.

Back to the hotties ...

Quite honestly, I don't think any of us really had a clue what was happening on the pitch but nonetheless it was very enjoyable to watch and we all agreed it was a magnificent way to spend an evening.

The Hawthorne boys stretch before play

The Essenden boys stretch before play

Helen, Jen and the boys come out to play

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Reminiscing on Dr Jean's visit - A day-trip to the Blue Mountains

What fond memories I have of Jean's visit to Sydney and the many gay old times we enjoyed together. On a beautiful sunny day, my good friend Merrelyn was kind enough to take us on a trip to see the Jenolan caves and The Three Sisters out in the Blue Mountains.

The day started with a tour of one of the Jenolan Caves known as the Temple of Baal - these caves were recently found to be over 340 million years old so are the oldest open caves in the world - they are spectacular, with many beautiful features and lots of phallic imagery!

Then it was time to stop for our little picnic of the Suzy-homemaker sambos that I had made for us - even the parrots were trying to get a nibble.

After a good feed we drove out to see the Three Sisters, in all their glory, and took the steepest railway train in the world down the side of the mountain. Luckily we didnt have to climb back up as there was a cablecar conveniently located to haul us back to the summit.

What a wonderfully civilised day ... until Jean managed to lower the tone by molesting some of the local folk.

Dr Muffster finds it impossible to resist fondling this poor unforunate's manhood.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Alchemist ball

The annual Alchemist Ball (read "chemistry piss-up of the year") was held at the Star room overlooking the splendiferous Darling Harbour. The evening started out in a very civilised manner with most attendees courteous enough to turn-up sober (even we managed that) and in fabulous costumery but due to the unendless supply of free alcoholic beverages that were available it descended into a drunken mess fairly rapidly.

It would be an understatement of the highest order to say that we were baloobas and as depicted below some of the antics involved Pip mounting me in the middle of the dancefloor - which severly interferred with my wonderful shape-throwing. I thought this was hilarious at the time but in retrospect (when I look at the look of pure pleasure on Pip's face in the photo below) I think she may have been enjoying the experience a little too much ... if you catch my drift!

Around midnight or so they ejected us all from the premises and our revellry was forced to move on to other locations. En route to one of the late drinking emporiums we stumbled (literally) upon a couple of very attractive birds which we found impossible to resist mounting and riding in true bird-loving fashion!!